CSI Initiative

During the 2015 and 2017 congresses a social responsibility initiative was successfully run. The objective of this was to support and give back to the community where the blood transfusion congress has taken place. For the 2019 congress at Sun City we want to continue with the CSI Initiative and we need your help to do so.

The schools in the area are yet to be identified, but their needs remain the same. Rural schools are always in need of consumable items, including:

  • Stationery
  • Books
  • Clothing/shoes/blankets
  • Congress bags
  • Sanitary towels
  • Non-perishable foods, e.g.:
    • Mielie Pap
    • Canned Food
    • Pasta
    • Peanut butter
    • Cordial juices

We appeal to include this as part of your planning for your participation at the congress. Please bring your items to the congress or leave a financial donation at the registration desk.

All donations will be delivered to the schools on the last day of the Congress by the organising committee.

Help us to make the visit to Sun City one that makes a lasting difference to the local community.

Thanking you in advance.